
Mar 11
MLOTC Member Meeting 7:00 pm - St. Michaels Church

May 13

MLOTC Member Meeting 7:00 pm - St. Michales Church

Don't complain...train!






Have questions or want to sign up you and your therapy dog email 
Rhonda Temple at emmazue2002@yahoo.com

Fall Schedule (TBD)

Norton Shores Public Library



Egelston Public Library




In 2013, one of our members partnered with Norton Shores Library to create a free program for children of Muskegon and surrounding areas.  Registered therapy dogs and their handlers meet at the library on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month (time of year varies) so that children can read aloud to the dogs.  All over the United States and Europe, reading to dogs programs are proving to be a wonderful way to instill confidence and love of reading into children ages 5 and up.

Bow-Wow Readers