Muskegon, Dog, Training
Class Descriptions
Beginning Puppy
This class is designed for puppy’s up to 5 months old. We will focus on building the
foundation of a well-behaved puppy. We will discuss the importance of crate training, potty training techniques, prepare puppy for grooming needs, how to redirect puppy from mischievous puppy antics such as chewing and biting, and puppy submissive exercises. Basic commands will also be introduced.
This is an AKC certified class in which the participant can earn an AKC puppy title if all
requirements are met. This class is designed for puppies 5-9 months of age. The focus of this
class will be on fundamental skills such as basic commands such as sit, down, recall (come), and
leave it; socialization with people and other dogs, the proper way to greet people, and
learning how to walk on a leash. We will also discuss the importance of crate training, potty
training techniques, prepare puppy for grooming needs, and puppy submissive exercises.
Foundation Obedience and skills
This class is designed for dogs 9 months and older with no previous puppy class experience. This class will focus on fundamental skills such as basic commands including sit, down, stay recall (come), and leave it, the proper way to greet people, learning how to walk on a leash, and will address adverse behaviors such as jumping.
Beginning Obedience
Prerequisite: must have participated in a puppy or foundation class and be able to demonstrate
foundation skills of sit, down, stay, loose leash walking, and a beginning recall in order to
enroll in this class. We will continue to build on the above fundamental skills and add
additional skills, such as sit, down and stay, wait, heeling on leash with distractions, auto-sit,
distance recall, and sit left/right/front.
AKC CGC (Canine Good Citizens)
This class follows the Beginning Obedience Class and will continue the basics of the novice
obedience skills. In addition, all of the Canine Good Citizen test components will be taught
and the CGC Test will be given on the final night of class. This will be evaluated by a CGC
evaluator and upon passing, a certificate (and a small fee) submitted to AKC will earn the CGC
Title. To be successful in this class, the dog should have a solid stay and be able to
demonstrate walking on a loose leash.
Novice & Beyond (Competition Prep Class)
This class is for handler/dog teams who plan to compete in AKC or UKC obedience trials. Class focus is on preparing both the dog and handler to perform in the trial setting, through instruction of proper ring procedures and proofing techniques. Beginner Novice and Novice exercises will be instructed. Open and Utility exercises may be introduced with facilitated practice.
To register for this class one of the following criteria must be met:
a) the handler has previously obtained an AKC or UKC obedience and/or rally title with a previous dog (s)
b) with pre-approval of the class instructor(s)/facilitator(s)
Introduction to Rally Obedience
This is an introduction class that is designed for dogs with novice skills following the Beginning
Obedience and CGC class. Each class period the participant will be introduced to several new
rally signs/directives/maneuvers and have practice moving through a modified course.
Instruction on definition of the signs, how to properly execute the maneuver, and how to train
and practice with your dog at home will also be addressed each session. Examples may be
“Halt, sit”; “Halt, Walk Around Your Dog”; “Right Turn”; etc. You will be introduced to several
new signs each class and have practice moving through the course.
Intermediate Rally Obedience
Prerequisite: Dogs must have had Beginner Rally. This class is designed for handlers and dogs with novice skills following the Beginning Rally class that want to work on intermediate and advanced signs. Each class period, the participant will be introduced to several new rally signs/directives/maneuvers and have practice moving through a modified course. Instruction on definition of the signs, how to properly execute the maneuver, and how to train and practice with your dog at home will also be addressed each session. You will be introduced to several new signs each class and have practice moving through the course.
Foundation Agility
Agility is the sport of running a course with a number of obstacles for the dog to successfully
perform under the direction/communication of its handler. This class is an introduction to
agility and participants are introduced to the foundational skills of agility, including an
introduction to a variety of the obstacles in any agility course. Once the dog/handler team are
able to correctly perform each obstacle, they are given the opportunity to run an actual agility
course. Handlers are taught how to successfully assist their dog to negotiate the obstacle and
the course in a positive fun manner. Agility is taught both outside in a fenced area or in a local
horse arena. Dogs can begin foundation work as a puppy of 6 months old, but jumping
obstacles should not be done until their growth plates have completely formed which is
around one year of age. It is recommended that your dog has successfully completed our
beginning obedience course prior to enrolling in the agility class.
Introduction to Nose work
Nose work is a newer sport which takes advantage of a dog’s natural ability to use his nose.
Class participants will be taught how to identify a single scent hidden in an enclosed container
and progress through to finding several different “scents” when placed in a row of boxes. The
dog/handler team will learn how to identify and “alert” when the desired scent is located.
This class is not taught on a regular basis but from time to time and may be offered to the public.
Intermediate Nosework
Prerequisite: Dogs must have had a beginner nosework and can find scent . Nosework is a newer sport which takes advantage of a dog’s natural ability to use his nose. Class participants will be taught how to identify a single scent outside, on cars, and indoors according to UKC rules.
Obedience Class Policy